Date of Birth: October 6, 1978, in Baltimore
Education: Ph.D. in political science
Employment: Professor at Towson University
Family: Wife, Jacquelyn; sons Thomas and George
Campaign headquarters: 2539 W. Lafayette Avenue
Contact information:
Residence: 1405 Hollins Street
Length of time living in the district: 11 years
Active in: Union Square Association, Coppin Heights Community Development Corporation and Empowerment Academy
Prior political experience: City Council candidate in 9th District in 2011
Hobbies: Running (5K – Marathon)
Best thing that has happened to him: “Getting married to the love of my life.”
Favorite childhood memory: Having lunch with his father
Favorite memory of something that has happened in the district: Snowball fights with his sons
Favorite food: Crabs
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite song: Stevie Wonder’s “Superwoman”
Favorite book: Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man
Favorite sports team: Philadelphia 76ers
Favorite saying: “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.”
Three people who have most inspired him: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X and W.E.B. DuBois
Mayoral candidate he is supporting: Unaligned
Why people should vote for John Bullock: “As a father, husband, and former neighborhood association president, I am committed to strengthening communities. I am also a professor and city planner who has the relevant education and experience to address district-wide issues. My time working with local government has given me the tools to create effective policy solutions.”